There’s Customizing a Message for Your Audience, and There’s Perpetuating Bias

So, Grant Cardone is in the news this week. You may know him as an author and a purveyor of financial and business advice. I’ve never absorbed any of his content. I’m leery of anyone who’s made a fortune telling other people how to make a fortune — especially when they target specific audiences, like Black people. …

Aunt Jemima Is Dead

I must say I don’t feel the least bit gruesome for the subtle satisfaction I feel in acknowledging — dare I say, low key celebrating? — someone’s demise. But I don’t. I suppose it helps that Aunt Jemima isn’t actually a person. She’s a construct. An antiquated, racist construct that has now officially been rebranded. Out with …

To Avoid Arrest and Death in Cases of Domestic Terrorism, It’s Best to Have Blue Eyes and White Skin

My closest friends know I have a running joke about how in my next life I want to be reincarnated as a white man. I’d like to be 6’3″, fine, with thick, jet black hair, milk pale skin and blue eyes. I mean blue! That spooky, piercing Chris Pine/Paul Newman blue. The rest of me …

Pinterest Settles Big Discrimination Lawsuit, Ignores Key — Black — Players

So, Pinterest settled a huge discrimination lawsuit this week. Francoise Brougher, its former chief operating officer, received $22.5M. It’s big. But what’s interesting is that the women who initially brought the discrimination to light received virtually nothing. “Ifeoma Ozoma and Aerica Shimizu Banks went public in June with allegations of racial and gender discrimination, two months before …

There Are No Winners, Only Losers in the Timnit Gebru-Google Situation

So, Google is in the news this week, and not in a good way. The company fired Timnit Gebru, co-leader of its Ethical Artificial Intelligence team, and her release to the marketplace was not amiable. Gebru announced her departure on Twitter after it happened, and immediately made it clear that it was hinky. She said …

The Media Is In Crisis, and It’s Taking America Down with It

In a word, what’s happening right now in the media, and low key in this country, is a shitshow. It’s like this Fast Company piece from Joe Berkowitz said: “We are heading down a dark path, and laughing all the way about the shoddy paving.” It’s ridiculous, but this is the reality. We are so bogged down …