There’s Customizing a Message for Your Audience, and There’s Perpetuating Bias

So, Grant Cardone is in the news this week. You may know him as an author and a purveyor of financial and business advice. I’ve never absorbed any of his content. I’m leery of anyone who’s made a fortune telling other people how to make a fortune — especially when they target specific audiences, like Black people. …

The Media Is In Crisis, and It’s Taking America Down with It

In a word, what’s happening right now in the media, and low key in this country, is a shitshow. It’s like this Fast Company piece from Joe Berkowitz said: “We are heading down a dark path, and laughing all the way about the shoddy paving.” It’s ridiculous, but this is the reality. We are so bogged down …

Sourcing the Truth in Media Is a Subjective Practice

Journalism can no longer make any claims to objectivity for one very important reason: The viewing and reading public is now an active part of the dialogue. Allow me to explain. Before the Internet and technology enabled us to spread information globally at a click — and comment on that information — newspapers, magazines, TV …

Kamala Harris for VP, and the Army of Men and Women Who’ve Put a No-Nonsense Line of Support in the Sand

In this age of social media, it’s refreshing to say, there are still a lot of good old-fashioned letters being written. Of course, they’re not being delivered via USPS – thank goodness, since they’re having their own issues – but these letters are doing a lot to convey the thoughts, feelings and intentions of the …